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Mosquito Control

Why Do Mosquitoes Buzz in People's Ears?

Woman-swatting-away-several-mosquitosWhen you go outside during the evening, you’re sure to hear more than a few crickets chirping away. You most likely also hear some pesky mosquitoes buzzing around your face. there seems to be one area they are particularly drawn to: your ears. Are they whispering in your ear, “I’m going to bite you?” Are they testing your ability to swat them before they bite? Or, are they simply mocking you? Since we have a nose for bugs, we thought we’d share some information that will shed some light on why mosquitoes seem so focused on buzzing around your ears.

Why Mosquitoes Buzz in People’s Ears

Group of hikers on trail irritated by mosquitosSo, why do mosquitoes buzz in people’s ears? There are several explanations. First, mosquitoes are attracted to heat and carbon dioxide, which we’re constantly creating with our breath. This is how they are able to hone in on us. The heavier our breathing, the more heat and carbon dioxide we produce. This means we’re likely to attract even more mosquitoes when we’re exerting ourselves and breathing heavily. Second, when we’re outside, our face is one of the most exposed parts of our body. This provides an easier target for pesky mosquitoes. The bottom line is; that mosquitoes aren’t specifically attracted to our ears as they are to our heads in general.

Does Your Blood Type Matter?

Young woman irritated by mosquito ites on her armDark clothing and blood type are other factors that can draw more mosquitoes to one person over another. Yes, this means some people really do have “sweeter blood” than others. Research has found that people with type O blood are more attracted to mosquitoes than other blood types. These vital fluid suckers can tell what type of blood most people have because 85% of humans produce a secretion that reveals which blood type they are. Mosquitoes can speak that “language” and predict whether a person has their favorite blood type. Fascinating, right?

Why Do Those Pesky Blood Suckers Make a Buzzing Noise?

Young couple swatting mosquitos away outside tentThe sound of a mosquito buzzing is one we’re all a little too painfully aware of. Did you know that the buzzing sound that you hear when a mosquito is near actually comes from its wings? Mosquitoes beat their wings so quickly that it create the characteristic buzz, foreshadowing a bite to come. So when you hear a mosquito buzzing in your ear, look out! Both female and male mosquitoes create the iconic buzz of a mosquito, but females actually create a higher-pitched sound than males. While it’s possible to hear the buzz of a male mosquito, most humans never do. This is because male mosquitoes feed off nectar and plants, so they don’t zero in on humans in the same ways as their female counterparts. That means that male mosquitoes are also not a threat to your defenseless skin! mosquito on a leaf

Male vs. Female Mosquitoes

Close up of mans leg with several mosquitos.When considering male vs. female mosquitoes, there are some notable differences in their appearance, behavior, and feeding habits. These differences include the following: Appearance - Male and female mosquitoes have different physical characteristics. Male mosquitoes have feathery antennae, while females have a long proboscis (mouthpiece). Female mosquitoes are the only ones who bite, as they need to feed on your blood to lay their eggs. Male mosquitoes are also generally smaller than their female counterparts. Feeding Behavior - You don’t need to worry about male mosquitoes, as they feed on nectar and plant juices. Female mosquitoes, however, must feed on blood to get the protein and iron needed to produce eggs. Reproduction - Mating is crucial for the mosquito life cycle. Male mosquitoes locate females through their wingbeat frequency and other sensory cues. After mating, females must have a blood meal to produce eggs. After their meal, they can lay their eggs. Males do not play a role in egg development or the laying of eggs. Lifespan and Activity - Female mosquitoes can have a longer lifespan than males since they need to live long enough to lay their eggs. Females are more active at dawn and dusk when they are seeking hosts for blood meals.

Stop Mosquitoes from Buzzing in Your Ear

Happy family playing with a frisbee outside with golden retriever While mosquitoes buzzing in your ear can be quite annoying, letting them take over your yard and ruining your outdoor fun is unacceptable. Taking these steps can help prevent annoying mosquitoes from you into submission.
  1. Use mosquito repellent - An effective mosquito repellent contains DEET, picaridin, or oil of lemon eucalyptus. Apply repellent to exposed skin.
  2. Wear protective clothing - Cover up as much as possible when spending time outdoors in mosquito-prone areas. Wear light-colored clothing instead of dark colors. Reduce exposed skin with long pants, long-sleeved shirts, and socks.
  3. Use mosquito nets - When sleeping or resting in mosquito-infested areas, consider using mosquito netting above your resting area. This creates a physical barrier that prevents mosquitoes from reaching you.
  4. Eliminate standing water - Don’t camp next to a lake or slow-moving stream. Remove standing water in your yard, such as from bird baths or flower pots. Female mosquitoes lay their eggs in standing water.
  5. Avoid peak mosquito times - Stay indoors at dawn and dusk to avoid mosquitoes. This is the time of day when female mosquitoes are most active, searching for their blood meal so they can produce their eggs.
  6. Consider mosquito control - If you live in an area with a high mosquito population, consider mosquito-control measures such as those offered by your local Mosquito Joe®.
If you’re sick and tired of being buzzed by mosquitoes while trying to enjoy your backyard, it’s time to reclaim your peace! Give the pros at Mosquito Joe a call today at or request a quote online and enjoy the outdoors again! All our work is backed by the Neighborly Done Right Promise™ and our Mosquito Joe Satisfaction Guarantee, which ensures you’ll receive exceptional pest control service with every visit.

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About Mosquito Joe®

Since 2010, Mosquito Joe® has provided mosquito and pest control services for residential and commercial customers nationwide. Our team of trained pest control experts is dedicated to getting rid of mosquitoes and other pests so you can enjoy the outdoors again. Our team of trained field professionals knows how to get the job done swiftly and thoroughly, leaving a noticeable absence of biting insects.
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