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Do Mosquitoes Like Certain Blood Types?

Child-scratching-forearmUgh! Why do mosquitoes bite me so much? My friends say having me along is the only bug spray they need! Is it my blood type? What blood type do mosquitoes like? Is it what I eat, what I wear, how I smell? If these are questions that run through your mind every time you venture outdoors, rest assured, you’re not alone. Many people ask the same questions in an effort to understand why they are a mosquito magnet. Now, a guy or girl magnet, not so bad, but mosquitoes, no thanks! It can be maddening to be so attractive to mosquitoes. So, with help from the bug experts at Mosquito Joe® we’re going to give you the answers to:  Why do mosquitoes bite? We’ll cover mosquitoes and blood type, how different smells attract mosquitoes, and how your clothes can even play a role! There are actually many possible reasons why you could be a favorite target of the little bloodsuckers. Let’s start answering some of those questions.

Mosquitoes and Blood Type—What the Research Says

For over 100 years, scientists have asked, “Why  do mosquitoes bite certain people more than others?” This curiosity has led them to investigate the variables that attract mosquitoes to bite. A study published in 1974 reviewed 102 participants, measuring how often each was bitten. The researchers evaluated each participant by skin temperature, percentage of subcutaneous fat, pigmentation, age, sex, nutrition, and blood type. Then, blood was extracted from the mosquitoes to determine the blood type most consumed by the feeding females. Among other findings, it was a great way to learn if there is a correlation between mosquitoes and blood type and what blood type mosquitoes like. After crunching the numbers, researchers concluded that mosquitoes do indeed have a preferred blood type. What blood type do mosquitoes like? The nasty biters show a marked preference for feeding on type O blood. So, if you have blood type O, you are more prone to mosquito bites. (O, what a bummer!) That explains why a mosquito who bites you once, often bites you again (going back for seconds). But why do mosquitoes bite you in the first place? Do they know your blood chemistry before they bite? A 2004 study evaluated participants’ secretor status as well as blood type. Many people secrete antigens from their blood type in bodily fluids like sweat, saliva, and tears, while others do not. This means that creatures with an exceptional sense of smell, like dogs and mosquitoes (and presumably vampires), can detect the blood type of secretors without directly testing (or tasting) their blood. So, it’s not enough to ask, “What blood type do mosquitoes like best?” It turns out that what mosquitoes reallylike are secretors with blood type O. Type B is another favored blood type that attracts mosquitoes, though to a lesser degree than type O. But why do mosquitoes like type O blood so much? A 2019 study investigated the egg production of mosquitoes that fed on different blood types but found no significant difference. So, the question remains unanswered, though there are indications that additional factors other than blood type are involved in the attraction of mosquitoes.

Why Do Mosquitoes Bite?

So, why do mosquitoes bite anyone? We know that only female mosquitoes bite people, and they do so to drink our blood. The blood meal provides essential nutrients for growing eggs and reproduction. In feeding on our blood, mosquitoes spread so many diseases that they kill more humans worldwide than any other animal. So, scientists are keen to learn why mosquitoes bite certain people. It is a key consideration to aid efforts to control outbreaks of malaria and other mosquito-borne diseases like dengue fever, Zika virus, and West Nile virus. So, let’s see what other than your blood type can make you attract mosquitoes and get bitten more than your friends. Some of this information will help you avoid getting bitten, even if your blood is of the tasty type O variety.

Is What You Wear a Factor?

 Woman on park bench in pink tank top and shorts scratching her forearm. When answering the question, “Why do mosquitoes bite me so much?” you must consider the clothes you wear when you’re outside. It is not yet clear why, but biting mosquitoes are attracted to the color black. Multiple studies, the oldest dating back to 1910, have documented this color preference, though the underlying reason is still obscure. Female mosquitoes also show a preference for red, orange, and cyan. So, when you’re participating in outdoor activities or attending an outdoor event, wear white or light-colored clothing to make yourself less attractive to mosquitoes. But remember that they bite right through thin, lightweight fabrics worn close to the skin. Therefore, loose-fitting clothing in a light color that covers your wrists and ankles is best, especially for those prone to mosquito bites.

Does the Scent You Give Off Matter?

Have you ever wondered how mosquitoes can find you so fast? They hunt their prey by smell and zero in on the carbon dioxide you release whenever you exhale. There is evidence to support the theory that mosquitoes can detect their preferred Type O blood antigens in the breath of Type O secretors. Certainly, the antigens may play a part in body odor, which can also attract mosquitoes. While female mosquitoes hunt people to feed on their blood, they also feed on the nectar of many flowering plants. They find their food through scent and have proven to be attracted to people wearing floral perfumes, colognes, and lotions. If you don’t want to attract mosquitoes, skip using floral-scented soap, shampoo, conditioner, lotions, and scented deodorant when heading outdoors. Using unscented deodorant won’t repel biters, but it can make you less attractive to them.

Can What You Eat Attract Mosquitoes?

Your odds of getting bitten go beyond the clothes you wear, how you smell, and a mosquito’s preferred blood type. Sometimes, it seems as if mosquitoes enjoy a midsummer night party as much as we do. If there’s beer, guacamole, and banana daiquiris, then mosquitoes are in! Studies have found that beer and foods rich in potassium, such as bananas, avocados, and dried fruit, tend to attract mosquitoes. The bloodsuckers seem to be particularly interested in biting those who have consumed beer or eaten bananas. However, there does not appear to be anything you can eat to repel these biters. Studies have dispelled the rumors that eating garlic or taking vitamin B will protect you from being bitten.

Is Your Chemical Composition Important?

Female mosquitoes are frighteningly adept at finding us, their favorite food source. A new study, released in August 2022, demonstrates that mosquitoes’ olfactory system, responsible for their acute sense of smell, is unusually complex. Even the mosquitoes whose olfactory sense was damaged by researchers could unerringly find their favored mosquito magnets, us. It is believed that when mosquitoes bite certain people consistently, it is about much more than blood type. Scientists have come to believe that the specific makeup of the beneficial bacteria living on your skin plays a role in attracting biters. Your genetic makeup and unique chemical composition make you prone to mosquito bites.

Does it Matter When and How Much You Exercise?

Exercise is good for you, right? Surely, it can’t be an answer to “Why do mosquitoes bite me so much?” But two compounds we know attract mosquitoes are carbon monoxide and lactic acid, both are produced in abundance when we exercise. When we exhale, we release carbon monoxide. Our bodies produce lactic acid, which increases when we use our muscles. So, exercising increases the levels of these mosquito-attracting substances we release. While exercise is a factor, the intensity of your workout can also be a factor. A more intense workout will produce more lactic acid, sweat, and carbon monoxide. Additionally, strenuous exercise causes us to produce more uric acid, and ammonia, all of which can make you more prone to mosquito bites. As for the best time to exercise outdoors? If you’re committed to your outdoor exercise routine, it’s best to avoid exercising at dawn or dusk, which is typically the height of mosquito activity.

Are You More Vulnerable If You’re Pregnant?

A 2000 study revealed that pregnant women are twice as likely to get bitten by mosquitoes than are women who aren’t pregnant. It is believed that the slightly high body temperature and increased release of carbon monoxide may factor into this preference. As we’ve seen, there are many possible answers to the question, “Why do mosquitoes bite me so much?” While it goes far beyond learning what blood type mosquitoes like most, it remains an intriguing question. Let’s take a closer look at mosquitoes and blood type.

Mosquitoes and Blood Type

So, we’ve examined what blood type mosquitoes like most and found that studies consistently show that type O secretors attract mosquitoes more than other people. But why do mosquitoes like type O blood so much? It’s a great question, but unfortunately, we don’t have a definitive answer yet. At this point, scientists aren’t 100% sure why mosquitoes like type O blood. Some believe it has to do with which blood type was dominant in the region where a mosquito species evolved. For instance, Ae. aegyptiis believed to have evolved in Africa, where type O is the most prevalent blood type. Meanwhile, Ae. albopictus originated in Asia, with pockets of population higher in people with type A blood. Interestingly, Ae. albopictus doesn’t appear to have a preferred blood type. Studies examining the quantity and quality of eggs laid by females feeding exclusively on type O blood show no meaningful difference from eggs laid by females feeding on other blood types. So, what’s going on? We’re not sure, but it does raise more questions.

What Blood Type Do Mosquitoes NOT Like?

We’ve been eager to look into what blood type mosquitoes like and why, but it’s also worth considering if there is a blood type that doesn’t attract mosquitoes. In other words, what blood type do mosquitoes not like? It turns out that of all blood types people have, mosquitoes like type A the least. But if the proteins in different blood types don’t affect the eggs, why does the female care? After O, the next most popular blood type with mosquitoes is type B, followed by type AB. So, mosquitoes’ blood type preferences are O > B > AB > A. Considering that the biters might be trying to avoid the proteins of type A blood, scientists isolated the antigens. While the antigens of blood type O were more attractive than others, type A antigens were more attractive than those of blood type B or AB. So, asking, “What blood type do mosquitoes like and dislike?” just leads to more questions. As fascinating as the mosquitoes and blood type questions are, remember that there are many other factors influencing why mosquitoes bite.

How To Prevent Mosquito Bites

Now that you know what blood type mosquitoes like most and the many reasons why mosquitoes bite certain people more than others, how can you protect yourself? When you are prone to mosquito bites, preventing them takes a multipronged approach that includes the following:
  • Keeping the yard well-maintained.
  • Removing all sources of standing water.
  • Avoiding floral-scented perfumes and lotion when attending outdoor events.
  • Lighting citronella candles and torches.
  • Hiring professional mosquito control services.

Stay Bite-Free With Mosquito Joe!

Mosquito Joe is dedicated to reclaiming your outdoor spaces for bite-free family fun. Our comprehensive pest control services are available across the country and include barrier treatments, mosquito misting services, and eco-friendly treatments to repel mosquitoes. Whichever approach you choose, rest assured that all our work is backed by the Neighborly Done Right Promise™and the Mosquito Joe guarantee, which ensures your satisfaction. Request a free quote today! Let us make the outdoors fun again for everyone!

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About Mosquito Joe®

Since 2010, Mosquito Joe® has provided mosquito and pest control services for residential and commercial customers nationwide. Our team of trained pest control experts is dedicated to getting rid of mosquitoes and other pests so you can enjoy the outdoors again. Our team of trained field professionals knows how to get the job done swiftly and thoroughly, leaving a noticeable absence of biting insects.
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